About me

My name is Stanley Sayianka, an aspiring machine learning research scientist. I am a data scientist trained in statistical methods, with a focus on quantitative finance (so far). I thoroughly enjoy studying machine learning, and strive to combine my studies with daily experiences in order to deliver valuable insights wherever I am. In my studies, I love exploring how learning algorithms actually learn, how they respond to changes, and how they evolve to handle the ever-growing complexity of the real world.

My interests lie in: Machine learning, probabilistic(bayesian) reasoning, information theory, and algorithmic trading.

In my free time, I love hanging out with friends, and skating. Above all, I am a christian, who embraces the principles of integrity, humility, diligence, hard work and trust in God in whatever I do.

Education Link to heading

Egerton University - Njoro, Nakuru
September 2018 - July 2023

I undertook my undergraduate degree in Actuarial sciences in Egerton University main campus. In my undergraduate studies, i focused on the following areas:

  • Actuarial mathematics and Financial mathematics: I focused on understanding actuarial modelling techniques in insurance, loss modelling in insurance, stochastic financial modelling techniques as used in stock process modelling and in pricing options.
  • Statistical inference: I covered course work in statistical theory of estimation and hypothesis testing, both in the frequentist, and bayesian sense. I also covered statistical inference, sampling techniques and design and analysis of experiments.
  • Mathematical modelling, and statistical modelling: I did course work in modelling processes using difference equations, differential equations, and statistical models such as stochastic processes, regression models, time series models etc.
  • Computer programming: I took units which sharpened my computer programming skills such as: Structured programming(C/C++), Algorithms and data structures, database systems(MySQL), Statistical computing(R programming).

I did my fourth year project titled: Modelling liability claim severity using the Gamma family of distributions, where i used loss models from the Gamma family to gain insights from liability claim severity data from Kenyan insurers.

Equitech Futures - Remote
July 2020 - Present

I participated in the global summer school, offered by Equitech Futures (where i am a life-long scholar). It is a programme aimed at imparting skills on tackling societal challenges using scientific principles(hypothesis-driven approach) and data-driven approach. I covered the following:

  • Foundations of data science and programming (Python).
  • Applied data science and societal problems.
  • Writing and communications labs.
  • Societal and ethical perspectives on science and technology.

To complete my learning, I did a project on Effects of social media tax on the quality of tweets in Uganda, where i used datasets on tweets, and NLP techniques to derive insights on how social media tax impacted the tweet quality from Uganda.

Professional experience Link to heading

Candlesticks Investments - Nairobi, Kenya
January 2022 - Present

This is a wealth-tech startup in Kenya, which i co-founded with my partners. Our aim is to empower Kenyan investors and traders with data-driven investment products, which are able to power decision making. More on Candlesticks Investments can be found at: www.candlesticksinvestments.co.ke As the chief data scientist in the company, i am tasked with:

  • Supervising/directing any data analytics related process.
  • Maintaining and upgrading our already-existing products.
  • Developing new products. I have taken part in development of every existing products in our suite - which can be found in our website.
  • Formulating concepts for future products.

Independent Boundaries & Electoral Commission - Kajiado, Kenya
March 2022 - April 2022

  • I was tasked with the role of educating people in my village on the importance of regustering as voters in light of the forthcoming general elections of 2022.
  • I conducted voter education door-to-door, using conversations, and stickers, banners, and posters to relay information to the adults in my village.
  • Report to the Constituency voter education supervisor daily, with details of area covered, challenges encountered, and possible solutions to the challenges. These role gave me a chance to do a field study which honed my skills as a sales person. It was also a chance to encourage my village people to be good patriots by exercising their democratic right of voting.

Quantium Analytics - Remote, global
November 2020 - December 2020

This was a virtual internship focusing on data analytics for consumer, retail, and transactions processing. I did work in the following:

  • Sourcing and collecting data based on customers and transactions, wrangling the data to make the data meaningful by following Tidy data principles.
  • Analyzing the customer and transation data using statistical summaries and data visualizations in order to gain insights from the data to drive interesting hypotheses.
  • Constructing models which explain customer behaviour based on their transaction history, as well as the clusters in the data. These models wee useful in informing about the products to fill the store with, and locations of certain stores based on the type of people living around the stores.

Civil Registration Department - Kajiado, Kenya
August 2019 - September 2019
Independent Boundaries & Electoral Commission - Kajiado, Kenya
September 2019 - October 2019

  • While working with IEBC, I was tasked with keying in records for the deceased in the county, in preparation for the general elections.
  • While working with CRD-KJD, I was tasked with keying in records of births, on a daily basis. These two roles taught me the importance of laying out strict guidelines for data entry, the common errors in data entry, and how to reverse-engineer them, the importance of laying down proper data storage infrastructures. At IEBC, I developed a data entry database system for them as they were relying on Microsoft Excel at that time.

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics - Kajiado, Kenya
June 2019 - July 2019

Took part in the National Census as an Enumerator. My tasks were:

  • Conducting door-to-door census questionairres.
  • Reporting to the supervisor on a daily basis on area covered,challenges encountered, and measures taken. This role grounded my understanding of data collection processes and the challenges in data collection. This enables me to date, know how certain data issues such as missingness, transcription errors, omission come about, and how to deal with them as a data sceintist.

Civil Registration Department - Kajiado, Kenya
March 2018 - September 2018

I started off this role as a typist, keying in birth and death records in the Civil Registration Department - Kajiado. I was tasked with:

  • Keying in records daily.
  • Reporting to the Registrar, when needed.
  • Generating reports. Later on, using the knoweldge of database systems from my Computer classes in high school, I developed a new database system(Microsoft Access) which was an upgrade to the older version of database system used for data entry. In the new version, I targeted: ease of data entry, security of data and advanced reporting functionality. The database system I developed is still being used extensively in the office to date.

Leadership Link to heading

Egerton University - Njoro Campus, Nakuru
January 2021 - January 2022

My role as the vice chairperson of the association included:

  • Mobilizing members during actuarial webinars.
  • Presenting the concerns of the actuarial students to the faculty.
  • Liasing with the Actuarial Students Society of Kenya (ASSK) to organize events and meetings.

Oloolaiser High School - Ngong, Kajiado
January 2017 - December 2017

My role as the lab captain included:

  • Assisting students who face any issues when using computers in the lab.
  • Coordinating computer students when doing projects.
  • Helping the school computer club in running its operations in the lab.

Volunteer service Link to heading

Olemurkat, Kajiado
January 2021 - Present

I am a member of this self-help group focused towards helping the members in attaining financial sustainability through home projects, agricultural projects and livestock farming.

Kiserian, Kajiado
January 2019 - Present

This is a community based organization whose main interest is in helping young students in:

  • Environmental conservation efforts.
  • Promoting talent.
  • Promoting education in the society.

Awards Link to heading

Kenyatta University
September 2020

I attended the Actuarial Product Development Competition whose theme was: Financial Inclusivity in Insurance. I presented a project titled: Improving PSV insurance, which emerged as the best project for the year’s PDC.

November 2021

I attended the conference for actuarial students in Kenya. The theme was: Actuarializing the world with sustainable development goals. I presented a research project which was awarded best research project for the year.

March 2022

I took part in the annual University Forex trading challenge organized by EGM Securities (FX PESA). Participants were given 10,000 USD demo trading accounts. I managed to be at position 3.

Hobbies Link to heading

  • Skating.
  • Reading.
  • Bible study.